The crisis in America requires a change in thinking!! | قناة الواقية | Al Waqiyah TV

Decade after decade going back to the american civil war. The powers that be have failed to bring about a homogenous society. This short video highlights what is needed to bring about a society that create exactly that.Dr.Mohammad Malkawy#AllLivesMatte...

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The crisis in America requires a change in thinking!!

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نشر بواسطة: LB | التاريخ: 06/07/2020 | المشاهدات: 7

Decade after decade going back to the american civil war. The powers that be have failed to bring about a homogenous society. This short video highlights what is needed to bring about a society that create exactly that.

Dr.Mohammad Malkawy


قناة الواقية: انحياز إلى مبدأ الأمة

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