A World in Crisis - The Islamic perspective - by Dr. Mohammad Malkawi | قناة الواقية | Al Waqiyah TV | موبايل

The world is embroiled in multiple crises: War, tensions between major states, historic inflation rates, economic crises, instability and a break up of the existing world order. Where is the world headed? And what should be the position of the Muslim U... [موبايل]

موبايل, قناة,الواقية،,انحياز,إلى,مبدأ,الأمة،,المسجد,الأقصى،,بيت,المقدس،,حزب,التحرير،,الخلافة,الراشدة,al waqiah,al waqiaa,al waqia,سياسة,حكم,إسلام,أناشيد,دروس,خطب قوية,كلمة الحق,تفسير,حديث,تلاوة,التغيير,النهضة,إقتصاد,طريق النجاح,كيف,how to,economy,politics,islam


A World in Crisis - The Islamic perspective - by Dr. Mohammad Malkawi

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التاريخ: 06/10/2022 | المشاهدات: 14

The world is embroiled in multiple crises: War, tensions between major states, historic inflation rates, economic crises, instability and a break up of the existing world order. Where is the world headed? And what should be the position of the Muslim Ummah in this international situation?
This talk by Dr. Mohammad Malkawi shines light on this topic with the title:

"A World in Crisis - The Islamic perspective"


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